Making the Best of SOAP Notes for Chiropractic Use

Chiropractors rely on copious note-taking to give their patients the best quality care. Chiropractic SOAP notes are particularly essential in caring for regular patients. These detailed notes ease the treatment process, which assists chiropractors in understanding everything about a patient before they walk into the practice.
However, SOAP notes can be pain points for chiropractors, especially when using legacy or manual systems. These systems take up too much time recording patients’ information. Chiropractors do not have enough time to care for their clients.
Chiropractors need modern patient notes software to optimize the process of making SOAP notes. Ways that modern systems optimize the SOAP note-taking process include the following.
1. Enhancing Patient Involvement in the Process
Legacy systems are rigid and will force you to take SOAP notes yourself. This exercise can be lengthy when you have many patients to attend to. You’ll still experience challenges even if you have a team to help you. The staff members will experience heightened exhaustion levels, and their productivity will deteriorate as a result.
The solution is involving patients in the process of taking SOAP Notes. With modern systems, patients can populate the SOAP notes themselves. ChiroSpring’s software has an online intake feature that enables patients to populate the SOAP notes from remote locations. Modern systems make it easier to dedicate most of your time to enhancing patient care. Patient involvement in SOAP note-taking is effective in limiting the time that chiropractors need for administrative tasks.
2. Cross-Sharing Information Faster
Time is a critical factor in the treatment process, especially in emergency cases. It can be the difference that saves lives. The systems that you have affect how fast you can administer treatment. It takes more time to get a patient’s medical history when you rely on legacy systems. It takes even longer in cases where you have to get this information from another practice facility. Most legacy systems don’t have a feature that enables practices to share this information.
Modern systems enhance the collaborative effort among chiropractors. These systems have a mutual platform where chiropractors can exchange patient information. Quick sharing of SOAP notes on similar patients can boost their treatment processes.
3. Reducing Time Spent on Recording SOAP Notes
Chiropractors complain of burnouts when they have to record numerous SOAP notes on legacy systems. Typing all the information takes a toll on them. Furthermore, some of the patient information is quite similar. Repeatedly recording this information is monotonous. You should automate this task to get rid of the redundancy. Legacy SOAP notes systems rarely offer this luxury.
Going for modern systems can limit the need to type all patients’ information. ChiroSpring has a macros feature in their SOAP note software. It has a large database of common SOAP note information. This feature can auto-generate sentences or entire paragraphs of patient information via a single click. It cuts the time that you spend on recording SOAP notes by almost 90%. But what if the auto-generated information doesn’t exactly match the patient’s condition? Modern systems enable you to edit the information to match your needs.
4. Improving Accessibility
Accessibility is closely related to how you store your information. If a practice relies on manual storage systems, retrieving patient information for reference can be daunting, especially if the practice has mountains of documents in its storage chambers. Yet this information is crucial for proper SOAP note-taking. So, chiropractors at this practice have no option but to bear with the frustration.
Modern patient notes software stores all the data in the cloud. You can retrieve this data quickly and easily for reference. All it takes is the click of a button.
5. Improving Security
It’s paramount to secure all your patient’s information. This is a mandatory requirement to remain HIPAA compliant. However, the chances of losing SOAP notes are higher when they are in paper form. The information is prone to loss either by theft or destruction from natural causes.
SOAP notes are critical to the claims process. Modern systems can enhance the security of patients’ information in two ways. The first is by creating backups of all the information in the cloud. The second way is by making it almost impossible for unauthorized people to access the information. ChiroSpring’s cloud backup services use advanced security protocols. These will protect your information from loss, even to cyber-attacks on healthcare facilities.
Streamline Your Operations with Modern Patient Notes Software
Efficiency is key to the success of your operations. Legacy systems served their purpose and no longer have what it takes to take your operations to the next level. A modern system can create time savings with the SOAP note-taking process.
Spending less time on this administrative task boosts clients’ satisfaction with your services. You can dedicate more time to your patient’s needs with a system like ChiroSpring in place.
ChiroSpring is an all-in-one practice management and EHR system built specifically for chiropractors to help them regain face-time with patients, spend less time on back-office tasks, maintain a limited staff, and save operational costs.
To see how ChiroSpring can help you simplify how you manage your practice, reach out to one of our specialists today!